Visit us
Our services are casual. Please come as you are. We want you to feel welcome and at home. Grab a cup of coffee and settle in. We begin with some worship songs at 10 am. The words will be projected on a screen so you can sing along. We will look at God's Word together and pray so that we can respond in our hearts. Let us know if you would like someone to pray with you. We're here for you as a community!
CITY KIDS - toddlers (potty trained) to 9 years old
"Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” Matthew 19:14
Children are a vital part of the Church today - not just tomorrow. Jesus didn't keep the kids separate and we don't like to either. So, they join us every Sunday for worship. After worship on some Sundays, the children are dismissed to City Kids class where they are taught that God loves them and how to follow Jesus. Kids 10 years and older remain in the service: On the weeks we don't have City Kids class, the children will receive an activity pack for use during the service.
Children who are not potty trained and younger:
We are not concerned with a little bit of noise. If you feel that your child is distracting others from being able to focus on the service, feel free to use the foyer where you should still be able to hear what's going on.