Why Church?
If you don't believe in Church, or in Jesus, or if you're not sure, then the answer to this question, "Why Church?" for you, might be as...

“PIONEER” It’s a word that keeps popping up for me, with great personal significance over the past few years. By nature, I’ve always been...

What makes Border City Church so special?
I hate sales. I don't like trying to sell people things, and I tend to not trust people if they're trying to sell something to me. So, I...

What really is "church?"
What really is “church?” That’s an important question for us to consider in a time when a whole lot of people are tired of it. I recently...

Who would name a church, Border City Church???
Nobody else, apparently. It was weird. A Google search yielded the existence of zero other local churches with the name Border City...
“WHY are you moving to DETROIT!?”
In 2009 my family of four moved from Georgia, USA to Johannesburg, South Africa. We moved, believing that we had been called by God to...